
Gumilar Budirahayu Pindah ke Bandung, Kalapas Baru Kuningan Bernama Kurnia Panji Pamekas

KUNINGAN (OKE)- After working 2 years and 7 months as Head of Kuningan Head, finally Gumilar Budirahayu said goodbye from the city of Kuda to move assignments to Bandung as Head of Narcotics Head.

The Kalapas sertijab was carried out on Thursday (17/11/2022) at the Grand Cordela Hotel Ballroom, Jalan Siliwangi Kuningan. His replacement is Kurnia Panji Pamekas AMd IP SH MH. This new head of prison is not a new person, because he was a former prison employee before moving out of town.

At the certijab ceremony, officials were present, including the Deputy Regent of Kuningan, HM Ridho Suganda. According to him, a change in leadership is a common thing in organizational dynamics.

It is also and is an integral part of efforts to enrich task experience, broaden insight and knowledge, and skills in leadership, management, and career development.

"For this reason, on behalf of myself, family, government and all the people of Kuningan Regency, we express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Gumilar Budirahayu, the former head of the Class II A Kuningan Prison, for all the contributions he has made while serving in Kuningan. Hopefully, it will not only be beneficial for the development of Kuningan Regency at present and in the future, but also recorded and valued as worship by Allah SWT," said the Vice Regent.

Deputy Regent Edo said the role and support of the Kuningan Class II A Prison, under the leadership of Gumilar Budirahayu, really helped run the wheels of government and the process of accelerating development in Kuningan Regency. By building the character of prison inmates to be better, by fostering mental, physical, skills, personality and mental spiritual, so that they become human beings with morals and dignity.

"Goodbye, good luck on your assignment and carrying out the mandate in the new place for Mr. Gumilar Rahayu, I hope he will always be given health and success. And I would like to welcome Mr. Panji to Kuningan Regency, I hope that under the command of the newest Head of Class II A Kuningan, we can continue this well-established cooperation and collaboration," said the Vice Regent.

Sebelumnya, dalam sambutan perisahannya, Gumilar Budirahayu mengatakan, selama 2 tahun 7 bulan menjabat sebagai Kalapas Kelas II A Kuningan, banyak hal yang sangat berkesan. Ia juga mengaku banyak pengalaman didapat selama bertugas. Apalagi, sambungnya, Kabupaten Kuningan merupakan tempat ternyaman yang pernah dirasakan.

“Banyak sekali hal yang berkesan untuk saya selama bertugas di Kuningan. Tempatnya sangat nyaman dan masyarakatnya sangat ramah. Tentunya, Kabupaten Kuningan ini akan menjadi salah satu kenangan yang paling berkesan dalam perjalanan hidup saya,” terangnya.

Didampingi istri tercinta, Gumilar mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan Pemkab Kuningan selama dirinya bertugas di Lapas Kelas II A Kuningan. Ia berharap, berbagai program yang telah dilakukannya bersama Pemkab Kuningan, dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan turut memajukan Kabupaten Kuningan.

“Saya bersama keluarga, mohon doa dari semuanya, agar saya dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik di tempat yang baru, yaitu di Lapas Narkotika Bandung. Saya berharap, Pak Panji sebagai Kalapas Kuningan yang baru, dapat membawa nama Lapas Kelas II A Kuningan menjadi lebih baik,” tutur Gumilar.

Meanwhile, the new Head of the Kuningan Class II A Lapas, Kurnia Panji Pamekas, in his introduction stated that he was ready to synergize and continue the well-established collaboration between Lapas and the Kuningan Regency Government, including all elements of society.

"In carrying out my duties as Head of Class II A Kuningan, I ask for guidance and direction from the ranks of the Kuningan Regency Government and the elders. Of course, so that I can continue Pak Gumilar's leadership, which has been going well, to be even better," added Kurnia Panji.

Present at the event, Head of the Correctional Division of the West Java Kemenkumham Regional Office M. Hilal, Regional Secretary of Kab. Brass Dr. H. Dian Rachmat Yanuar, M.Sc, along with elements of the Forkopimda Kab. Kuningan, retired Class II A Kuningan Prison, and other invitees (dhn/rdk)

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